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Learn More!Is it possible to map a "clear tare" through software on my HI 3030 so I can clear the tare through RSLogix? The following mapping exists through internet explorer for DeviceNet:
DFO0=+HFI4, DFO2=+HFI8, DFO4=+HFO21, DIO6=+HSI3, DO7.0=+HI1.6, HO1.0=+DI0.0
This mapping equates to:
DFO0(DeviceNet Float Output) = +HFI4(Gross Weight chan 1)
DFO2(DeviceNet Float Output) = +HFI8(Net Weight chan 1)
DFO4(DeviceNet Float Output) = +HFO21(Tare weight Chan 1)
DIO6(DeviceNet Integer Output) = +HSI3(Command Status)
DO7.0(DeviceNet Boolean Output) = +HI1.6(Motion)
HO1.0(Tare 1 command) = +DI0.0(DeviceNet Boolean Input)
Is there an instruction to clear the tare? Suggestions?
Since you have mapping, HO1.0=+DI0.0, that will tare the scale for channel 1, we are assuming you want to have a way to clear out the tare value back to zero. This would cause the net and gross weight to be equal. The way to accomplish this is:
1. When the gross weight is reading zero, tare the scale. This would cause the tare value to go to zero.
2. If you entered a mapping such as: HVO28=HVO28*DIx.y+DISz*~DIx.y; This is telling the instrument to enter a value into the Tare Weight parameter. This map also would allow you to set a bit DIx.y (where x is the word # and y is the bit #), an input register from DeviceNet master. This bit would be telling the unit to either use the internal value for the Tare Weight or use a value from the DeviceNet master in location DISz (where z is the word location). So if the bit DIx.y is on, then you can send the tare command and the unit would tare in a normal manner. The Tare Weight would be based on the gross weight when the tare command is sent. However, if the bit DIx.y is off, then the unit would get its Tare Weight set from the DeviceNet input register DISz. If the tare command were given during this time it would be ignored. So now you can set the Tare Weight to a value of zero (DISz = 0), thus clearing the tare. Once clear, turn the bit DIx.y back on to allow the unit to tare normally again until you wish to clear the tare again.
NOTE: The DISz register can also be a scratchpad register with a value of zero entered into it.
3. Another method you can use would be the Command Interface. This would be where you set up a four word location in the Device Net table for the Command Interface. In these four words, you would specify:
a. A command to read or write
b. The parameter to read or write
c. The data if you are doing a write
This method is described in the HI 3030 Weight Controller Service Manual, page 87. So an example of sending a new tare value to the unit would be:
Word 1 = 1001hex (want to write float value)
Word 2 = 02C1hex (Parameter ID for Tare Weight channel 1)
Words 3 & 4 = 0 (new value to write to Tare weight channel 1)
NOTE: For a full list of parameter ID's, you would go to the parameter dump under the diagnostics of the unit through the browser.
All the above addresses were chosen for this example only! We wanted to give you ideas so you can determine the option that works well for your application.