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Can I set a tare value that cannot be changed?

Last updated 07/29/2015 10:32 AM


Is it possible to set a specific tare value that cannot be changed? I need a way to lock the tare value, but still allow the operators a way to be able to re-zero the scale.


You can protect your set Tare value in the configuration instrument set up menu, across communications with mapping, or you could use security password to set the TARE value by pressing the TARE button.

On the HI 3010, HI 3030 and the HI 4050 you can set a security code on the Zero and Tare front panel push buttons. 

MANUAL METHOD:  Pressing the Tare button when the correct amount of tare weight is on the scale. Install an empty box that is typical in your application.  Pressing the tare button will set the tare value and displays NET weight equal to 0. When you take the (box) tare weight off the scale the NET weight will show a negative weight equal to the weight of the box. To clear and set a new tare value, sign on with the correct level of security. Press the TARE button with the new tare weight on the scale, then sign on with a low security password to prevent accidental or unauthorized persons from using the TARE button.

You still want the operator to ZERO the gross weight?  Map an input to an external button and map that input to a ZERO operation.

Select the destination as the command ZERO for channel 1 and local INPUT number one from the source page (or any input that is available). HO1.4 (Zero 1 command) = +HI0.0 (Input 1) The Zero command for channel 1 is when input number 1 is active.

If you have a multi channel scale there would need to be four inputs, four push buttons so the operator could zero each scale.

If you map the tare value to a set value it will overwrite any new value back to the set value continuously.  The set value could be an input from a PLC or one of the scratchpads in the unit.  Example from the 4050:
HFO8=HFO0; Tare weight = scratchpad 0.  Set your value into the scratchpad location and it will continuously set the tare weight to that value.  Any time someone either tares the scale or tries to change the tare weight value, it will get overwritten with the previous value in it.

You cannot lock out the Tare Value on the HI 2151 series, or the HI 2110 WI units.