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Can I transfer the calibration from an old 1756-WS to a new one?

Last updated 05/31/2016 11:05 AM


I need to replace an HI 1756-2WS that is going bad with a new one.  Can I transfer the calibration from the old one to the new one?


There is a way to write the calibration values from one module into another but it is a little complicated.  
First, I would recommend that you use the Hardy Load cells so if you need to do a new calibration, you can run the C2 calibration without the need for test weights.

NOTE:  This procedure does not transfer the parameters from one module to the other.  The user would want to do a READPARAM from the old module and WRITEPARAM command to write the parameter values to the new module at some point.

If you need to replace a module and transfer the calibration from one unit to the new one (both modules must have at least ver 3.5 firmware):
1.     You need to have already run the “READ Weight Cal” command on the original unit.  This would need to be done prior to it failing and when it had a good calibration in it.  You would want to record these values somewhere either in the PLC tags or in another file somewhere.
2.     When you replace the module with a new module, you would run the “READ Weight Cal” command on the new module.
3.     Check the values you have for the ADC ZERO COUNTS from both units (This is the last parameter in the list read using the Read Weight Cal command.
4.     NOTE the difference between the two ADC ZERO COUNTS.  
5.     Apply the difference to the other “COUNT” values from the original module.  So if the new module had an ADC ZERO COUNTS 100 higher than the old module, then add 100 to all the other COUNT values from the original module.  
NOTE:  DO not modify the CalibK value from the original module.
6.     Once you have modified all the COUNT values, you will need to use the READ Weight Cal command to write the values to the new module.  The values to write will be:
a.     The command number 0x63 (99 decimal).
b.     The hex value A5AA5555 placed into the STATUS parameter of the command.  (password required for module to accept changes.)
c.     The modified COUNT values.
d.     The original CalibK value.
e.     The ADC ZERO COUNTS from the new module.***
7.     Once these changes have been written, the new module will have the calibration from the original module.  The modifications to the COUNT values were to compensate for the difference between the ADC ZERO COUNTS reference for the modules.

***NOTE:  If you make changes to the ADC ZERO COUNTS on a module, you will have made changes to the reference point and all calibration from that point on will be offset.  It would require the module to be returned to the factory for correction if this happens.

Repeat this with the second channel (if needed).

See attached document for example.