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Can you explain the parameters for the HI 1746WS?

Last updated 08/19/2014 09:37 AM


Can you explain the parameters for the HI 1746WS?



Tare Weight:
Used in conjunction with the Net weight and is equal to the difference between the Gross weight and Net weight (Gross – Tare = Net). The tare weight is the amount of weight “tared” off the scale that you do not want to see in the net weight amount. Example: you put a pallet on the scale and “tare” out the weight of the pallet so you start weighing at zero. The tare weight would be the weight of the pallet.

NOTE: Tare command can only be used if the Tare Enable bit is set to on. Scale will not tare if scale is in motion.

Span Weight:
Amount of test weight used for the high point during hard calibration.

Amount of test weight (normally zero) used for the low point during hard calibration or reference point during C2® calibration.

Set Point 1 and 2:
Target weight you want the relay output to change states at.

Preact 1 and 2:
Amount of weight you want the relay to change states prior to the target weight reading. Compensates for “in-flight” material after relay changes state.

Deadband 1 and 2:
Amount of weight deviation you want before relay resets. Used to prevent relay chatter with any bounce on scale as well as preventing relay reset before process is ready.

Zero Tolerance:
Amount of gross weight deviation from original calibration zero point that you will allow to be set to zero. Example: After weighing process, some product is spilt on the scale so it does not return to zero for starting new process. You can zero the scale so it starts at zero without having to clean the scale off at this time. Zero tolerance is the limit of how much you can spill on the scale and zero off before you have to clean off the scale. Only used if the Zero Enable bit is set to on. Scale will not zero if scale is in motion.

Auto Zero Tolerance:
Same as the zero tolerance, but is the limit for letting the module zero off the weight automatically. This is not used unless you have the Zero Track Enable bit set to on. If used, gross weight will zero whenever gross weight is within the auto zero tolerance and scale is not in motion.

Motion Tolerance:
Amount of weight change needed to indicate the scale is in motion (the weight is changing on scale). The way this works is the module will take the current reading and compare it to the reading it took one second earlier and if the difference is greater than the motion tolerance, then it will indicate that the scale is in motion. This will normally be set so it is greater than any fluctuation seen on the scale with no weight changing, but low enough to indicate in motion with the slowest actually increase or decrease of product weight on the scale. Used to get an indication when product is still flowing to prevent readings before process done.

Setting selection for weight readings, either lbs or kg. Set to 0 for lbs.

Setting for level of vibration protection. Each setting is for different frequency range of vibration. Additional information can be found in the manual.

Number of readings module will use and average together to get weight reading. Example: 5 averages means last 5 weight readings added together and divided by 5. Module takes reading every 50 ms, so every 20 readings will cause a one second update time to get to new reading.

Zero Track Enable:
Bit to set to allow the module to zero out any product build up on scale up to the auto zero tolerance amount without operator intervention.
