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Do I need to use a UPS on my Hardy Controller?

Last updated 03/20/2014 03:18 AM


Does Hardy suggest using a UPS on the input? What does "computer clean power" mean?


Power filtering requirements are dependant on your environment. For instance, in many environments we have seen the need for active tracking filters that filter out the spikes from variable frequency drives. These spikes are less than one cycle in duration and thousands of volts.  A UPS device is designed to regulate power dips and peaks and are too slow to filter noise spikes generated by variable frequency drives.

Computer clean power is a power source free of noise and spikes (like those caused by variable frequency drives) and not just a tap off of one side of a 480 vac transformer. If you can't run a PC computer off that circuit, your Hardy controller probably won't work either.

Spikes that are generated by static and energy spikes may require a review of the systems grounding and adding ferrite beads, snubber circuits across associated I/O and other ideas recommended in the WebTech answers listed under STATIC, SHIELDS, and GROUNDING.

The attached Tech Note describes how to connect input power to a HI 1746WS, HI 1756WS, HI 1769WS, HI 1771WS, HI 2110WI, HI 2151/30WC, HI 2160RC, HI 3010, HI 3030, HI 3300, HI 3600, HI 4050 and the HI 4060.

The HI 1771WS, HI 3000 series and HI 4000 series have upgraded power supply that is much less susceptible to power spikes.