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Learn More!Hardy Process Solutions no longer Manufactures, Repairs, Calibrates, or Sells Vibration/Condition Monitoring equipment.
We have moved our entire Vibration Product Line from Hardy (San Diego) to our corporate affiliate Metrix www.metrixvibration.com , in Houston, TX.
For your current & future vibration equipment needs, please contact Metrix at www.metrixvibration.com/contact-us/view.
Quotes for all new Shakers, Instruments, or Sensors will be provided if you send an email to quotes@metrixvibration.com.
If you are in need of a RMA from Metrix, please use the Metrix Online RMA System by clicking "eRMA" (www.metrixvibration.com/contact-us/returns--repairs/view).
The Metrix Online eRMA System allows customers to:
· Submit an RMA Request 24/7
· Track Progress of an RMA 24/7
· Provide Historical Storage of Past RMA's
When you are measuring a static gap with an Eddy Probe, the output is measured in DC volts.
The Eddy Probes are rated at 787mVdc/100 micrometers or 200mVdc/mil. These values vary slightly from probe to probe and are noted on the individual certificates. A 50 mil gap would equal 10 Vdc.
If you are measuring vibration, the signal is a mVac output.
If there were a 50 mil gap at 10-1000 Hz with an