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How can I see floating data in a SIEMENS PLC?

Last updated 04/21/2014 08:23 AM


How can I see floating data in a SIEMENS PLC on my HI 4000 or HI 3000 unit? I have data in the SIEMENS PLC, but this information is not the same as what I see in the Monitor data. I am using it as an integer and I see the correct number but I can't see the decimal numbers. When I try to see that data as a floating number the data that appears is completely incorrect. How can I resolve this?


On the HI 4000 Series (which include the HI 4050 and HI 4060) and HI 3000 Series units (which inclued the HI 3010, HI 3030, HI 3300 and HI 3600), when you transfer the data in integer format you will be able to read the data in your data tables, but the decimal point does not transfer. When you map the data as floating point data you will no longer be able to read the value in the input tables. This is because the table is integer type and the data is in float format.

You must convert the value from the integer table to a float register to be able to read it. Normally, the easiest way to do this is to use a copy command from one location to the other. The copy command will normally take the bit pattern of the data and copy it straight over into the other table. This will allow the data to be read properly as a float.

One possible problem you can run into is the order of the data. The input tables are normally 16 bit integer words. The float data is 32 bits. So the float data will take up 2 words in the input table. When you copy these from the integer table to a float register, the order of the data could be reversed. If this is the case you would need to copy the two words in the input table to a different integer location, but in reverse order. Example: Copy word location 1 into register 2 and copy word location 2 into register 1. Then you should be able to copy from the second location into the float register.