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How do I clear the SD Failure on my HI 4050 or HI 4060?

Last updated 06/23/2015 10:30 AM


My HI 4050 or HI 4060 shows the message "SD Failure". How do I clear this error?



If you experience a SD failure error during the power up cycle of your HI 4000 series controller (which includes the HI 4050 and the HI 4060), check and see if the SD card is new or missing.   Press the exit button to bypass the error and enter the configuration menu.  Make a change to any parameter, (automatically saves the change to the SD card when you accept that parameter and exit menu) and cycle power to your HI 4000 series controller. This should re-write all parameters to the SD card and clear the error.

With a blind controller uses the instructions found in the web tech answer for:
"How do I clear memory on a blind HI 4000-DR controller back to factory default?
(Answer ID 1556)

A file can be corrupted or missing and cause an SD card error. You can also clear the card contents by using an SD card reader on a Personal Computer.  Insert the SD card in to the computer SD card reader and delete any files and folders on the SD card. Remove the SD card from your computer and install that card into your HI 4000 series controller and apply power. The SD failure error will appear at the first power up. Enter the configuration menu and do a save at any menu. This will re-create the correct files on the SD card and save the default data. You may now make changes and the card should be OK. Cycle power to the HI 4000 series controller to test if the SD card passes. The SD failure alarm text should not appear.

If this does not correct the SD Failure you might have a corrupted SD card. You can replace this SD card with any commercially available SD card that has a memory capacity at least 128k , and up to 16 GB (some SD cards of 32 GB will work but seems to be SD card specific).  
NOTE:  You must have at least firmware version in the 4050 or in the 4060 units to use SD cards greater than 2 GB.

The SD card is just like the one in your digital camera. The SD failure error message will appear at that first power up. Enter the configuration menu and save parameters at any menu. This will re-create the correct files on the SD card and save the default data. You may now make changes and the card should be OK.  These cards are available from Hardy Process Solutions using part number 1901-0090-0.  Contact the Hardy Service Center to order your spare, or you may purchase a spare from most stores that carry these type of SD cards.