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How do I map data from one HI 3000 unit to another HI 3000?

Last updated 04/27/2015 10:15 AM


I am using two HI 3030's, one with four channels, one with two. I have one ControlNet card in the 4 channel configuration and I am only going to read and send the gross weight and net weight to the ControLogix. In the dual channel unit I need to map these parameters and transfer them through a HardyLink (Ethernet) network to the four channel unit with the ControlNet card. How do I map weight data from one unit to another unit that has the ControlNet interface?


To map weight data to an HI 3000 series (which includes the HI 3010, HI 3030, HI 3300 and the HI 3600) with ControlNet interface you will setup your node address on the two and four scale unit on the Hardy Control-Link page in both units. This would be done through the browser of each unit.

In the 2 channel unit, you would then map the weight readings from each channel into the network Hardy Control-Link out table. Then in the 4 channel unit, map the Hardy Control-Link input, from the 2 channel unit, into the ControlNet output table. Keep track of what reading and scale is on what word and then read the weights in the input registers in the PLC.

For example: you want to transfer the gross weight from channel 1 on the two channel unit, over to the 4 channel unit, so it can be sent out the Control Net connection to the PLC.

First you need to ensure you have added the other unit's IP address in on the Hardy Control-Link page in each of the units. The node location that you place each units IP address in, is its unit node number used during the mapping. For this example, assume the two channel unit is selected as node 1 in the Hardy Control-Link table of the 4 channel unit.

Next, in the 2 channel unit, you would map the gross weight to the Hardy Control Link output table. For this example, we will say we are transferring the weight as a float value located starting at word #0 in the unit. This mapping would look like EFO0=HFI4 (control-link float output word 0 = gross weight).

Now, in the 4 channel unit, this weight reading is coming in on the Hardy Control-Link input table from the node number (we are using node 1 for this example) of the other unit, in word number 0. You would then map this input location directly to the Control Net output register. If we use the Control Net output table location word 2 and select this as a float value, it would look like: CFO2=1FI0 (control Net float output word 2 = node 1, float input word 0).

This would then give you the gross weight from channel 1 of the 2 channel unit, transferred over the Hardy Control-Link table, starting at word 0, as a float value. Then being picked up in the 4 channel unit in the Hardy Control-Link input table from Node 1, starting at word 0, and being copied over to the Control Net output table, starting at word 2.