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Note: There is no guarantee that setup and calibration data will remain unchanged during your update process. On a rare occasions it may be necessary to verify the configuration and re-map the controller after a software update.
If you have an HI 3030 and are changing firmware from a revision 2.10 or lower to 2.12 or higher, the changes require you to copy all the parameter data to a text file, clear memory back to factory defaults, and then update the firmware. See the Webtech question that describes how to save parameter data in the HI 3000/4000 controller series. Search on ID 898.
3030 s upgrades and instructions are located on the following Hardy Process Solutions web page.
As an example. HI 3030 information
HI 3030 products page.. Select the pull down for Docs and Programs. There are the manuals, certs, data sheets and software upgrades and upgrade programs.
This look up works for each Hardy controller. Select the controller under products and then the Docs and Programs to find the same information for each controller.
Instructions for upgrade are the same for both the HI 3000 series and the HI 4000 series controllers.
Run the “Auto Update” program.
Enter the IP address for the unit to be updated. You may use the auto search feature (find) in the auto update software. Click on the Find button. This will then search for and list the Hardy units that are on that network. If the IP address you find on the controller does not conform with your company guidelines this may be changed from the front panel of the controller or by using the IP setup software available from the online software download site or the CD ROM received with your controller. You must cycle power on the controller after changing the IP address.
a. You will need to insure the IP address conforms to the system MASK
b. Check in the Ethernet TCP/IP properties to select the correct address.
c. There are instructions in the weight controller manuals.
d. You can download this manual from: Hardy Process Solutions web page by selecting the product and looking under the Docs and Programs selections. You may need to create a sign ON.
Select the IP address of the unit you want to upgrade.
Click on the Browse button to find and save link as the firmware file you downloaded. Insure your download file has the proper .s19 file extension. As an example HI3030_APP.s19 is for the weight controller.
Once you have the IP address and the file selected, click on the Update button. You should now be asked for a User Name and Password. Username is hardy and password is updatepass (all one word in lowercase letters).
NOTE: If you click on Update and it does not give you the Password screen, then your program file may have too long of a path from the current directory. Move your files to a directory closer to the root directory and run again.
Once you entered the Username and password, click on OK. You should now see the percent complete bar showing progress of the upgrade.
Once it has completed the download, it should show the screen indicating the programming is complete without error.
Cycle power on your Hardy Controller to update the new software as your current version.