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How do I wire my non-Hardy load cells to the Hardy unit?

Last updated 10/14/2014 09:58 AM


How do I wire my non-Hardy load cells to my Hardy unit? I am using non-Hardy Load Cells with a junction box made by the same company that made my load cells. They have an output cable of 7 wires at 24 VDC. How do I connect the cable to the Hardy unit? Can I use C2®?


Hardy has an extensive line of load cells and can help you find the correct load cell for your application. Load cells using a full wheatstone bridge gauge system will function on a Hardy controller. The limits are load cell rated between 0.9 mV/V to 3 mV/V maximum for full range capabilities.

In the case where you are using non-Hardy load cells.
You will need to verify the wiring color code and function with the load cell/junction box manufacturer. Once you can determine which wires are +/- excitation, +/- sense, +/- signal and shield, you should be able to hook up directly to the connector on the Hardy unit, following the pin out listed in the manual for that unit.  The non-Hardy  junction box should be a pass through card with no active components on the card.  If it has any active components, it probably would not work with the Hardy unit.  Trim pots are an inactive component as may be required for non balanced load cells.

You would not be able to use C2® calibration with any Non-Hardy load cell. C2® technology is patented by Hardy Process Solutions.