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Learn More!Can you define the terms used for Load Cell Certifications and Specifications?
Description of Load Sensor Certification and Specification Terms (see attached chart:
Model Number:
Model designation. For the Advantage line of load sensors there are series and models. For example, the HI SBH04-2.25k load cell is part of the HLPS Advantage series. For a complete listing see associated Web Tech answer number 1430. The model number is a combination of letters and numbers that describes the load sensor(s) you have purchased. Example: HI SBH04-2.25k, Hardy Process Solutions (HI) Shear Beam Hermetic (SBH) Series 4 (04) - capacity 2250 pounds (2.25k).
Serial Number:
Serial number of the load sensor. You can find specs on your Advantage series load csensor by going to www.hardysolutions.com and clicking on "Support Center>Load Sensor Certification Tool" and then entering the serial number of your load sensor. If your serial number is not found in our database please send an email to hardysupport@hardysolutions.com and give us the load sensor model number, serial number, and the PO (if available).
Capacity in lb.:
Capacity of your load sensor in pounds. This is the maximum amount of weight that can be applied to each Hardy Process Solutions Load sensor which the sensor can measure and still retain all the of its operating characteristics. Sometimes called Rated Capacity or Emax.
Input Resistance:
This specifies the actual resistance expressed in ohms as measured between the two input (excitation) terminals, with the output (signal) terminals open circuited and with no load applied to the load sensor. Each Hardy Process Solutions Advantage load sensor input resistance is recorded to the nearest tenth of an ohm. The input resistance will fall between 1101.0 to 1111.0 ohms for Advantage load sensor models HI BBH06, HI SBH04, HI STH01, and HI STH06. Models HI RCH03 are 1125.0 to 1167.0 ohms and HI RCH01 are 380.0 to 420.0 ohms.
This specifies the maximum deviation plus or minus of the calibration curve from a straight line drawn between the zero and rated load outputs, expressed as a percentage of the rated output (%RO) and measured on the increasing load only. All Hardy Process Solutions Advantage load sensors have a non-linearity of less than or equal to +/- 0.018%R.O. except for the HI RCH01 and 03 which is less than or equal to +/- 0.012%R.O.
Creep @ 5 Minutes:
This specifies the change in load sensor output occurring with time, while under load and with all environmental conditions and other variables remaining constant. Creep is usually measured with the rated load applied and is expressed as a percent of the rated output over a specific period of time. Hardy Process Solutions Advantage load sensors have a creep of less than or equal to +/- 0.0166%R.O. over 30 minutes.
This specifies the resistance expressed in meg ohms as measured between any lead wire and the load sensor body or case. Sometimes called isolation resistance. The insulation resistance of all Hardy Process Solutions Advantage load sensors, is greater that 5000 meg ohms.
Rated F.S. Output:
Sometimes called rated output or sensitivity it specifies the difference between the output reading at rated load and zero load, obtained prior to the application of the rated load. This value is expressed in millivolts per excitation voltage (mV/v). Every Hardy Process Solutions load sensor rated output is measured and recorded to four positions to the right of the decimal point and will fall between 1.9980 and 2.0020 mV/v.
Output Resistance:
This specifies the actual resistance expressed in ohms as measured between the two output (signal) terminal