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What circuit boards or options are used in a HI 2151/30WC?

Last updated 07/29/2015 10:32 AM


Which circuit boards or options can be used in a HI 2151/30WC?


The following boards are either standard or optional in the HI 2151/30WC:

P/N Board Name
0535-0463-01 Power & Relay
0535-0474-05 Analog/Digital
0535-0461-01 Display, Panel Mount
0535-0461-02 Display, Blind Remote
0535-0461-04 Display, Remote Mount
0535-0461-05 Display, Wall Mount

HI 2151/30WC-B1 Analog Out
HI 2151/30WC-B2 BCD, Tri-Stated, 37 pin D-submin
HI 2151/30WC-B5 BCD, 60” cable used w/B6 or B7
HI 2151/30WC-B6* BCD Single Term Board
HI 2151/30WC-B7* BCD Quad Term Board
HI 2151/30WC-B8 AB Remote I/O Interface
HI 2151/30WC-B9 BCD, 24” cable used w/wall mount
HI 2151/30WC-B12 Profibus Interface
HI 2151/30WC-B14 DDE I/O Server

* Needs -B5 option to work.

There are 2 options slots and you can only use one communication option at a time.

We do not recommend you purchase spare circuit boards as we revise and modify these circuit boards occasionally. We also do not recommend customers replace circuit boards due to ESD considerations. Static discharge from your hands can damage sensitive electronic components.  Using ESD grounding wrist straps and other static protection whenever working on the electronic boards is appropriate. 

Stocking a complete controller allows for a faster swap out using the SMM.

We have flat rate repairs that are typically less costly than the purchase of an individual circuit board.