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What is jog under the adjust ingredient menu on a HI 3010?

Last updated 10/02/2014 09:57 AM


Can you explain the sequence of events of a jog cycle on a HI 3010?


The jog cycle should be used when a HI 3010's  fill/dispense sequence stops short of the target weight. The reason could be settling or the feeders in flight material was less than expected. With Jog the instrument will turn the fill/dispenser back on and monitor the weight (slow-fill relay).

The jog count is the number of attempts to correct the target weight before an alarm is declared  as an under fill. At that time you may elect to restart the jog cycle or accept the under fill.

The Jog ON is a timer that says run for a specified amount of time and stop. Wait a specified amount of time, specified by the jog OFF parameter, and verify if the weight is at target. If not at target, and the jog count is less than the number of jog total, restart the fill/dispense process. Continue until the number of jog cycles are complete or the target weight is reached.

If you are concerned about the time to complete a process then verify the jog Off cycle time is as short as possible. Jog Off starts a timer to allow for the product to settle.  Motion will also slow the process to insuring the correct target has been achieved.

If you had a jog OFF time of 5 seconds and it took 5 jogs to get the fill complete, you would have accumulate 25 seconds of wait time. If you increased the jog ON time large enough to handle most short fills then the wait time would be at a minimum. When the cycle stops during a jog ON, the jog OFF cycle still waits for the fill to settle, motion, and verifies the fill is correct.

The Smart Preact and auto fast adjust will compensate for the short fill and correct the problem. The unit should not go into jog after 4-5 fills with the Smart Preact and auto adjust On. 

If this is a problem check that the feeder is consistent and operating correctly.  There may be torque adjustments, motor speed control ramp up and ramp down timers, or general setup required.  Consult your feeder manufacture for fine tuning and performance expectations.