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What is the minimum live load for a HI 2201LT or HI 2204LT to operate?

Last updated 04/07/2014 08:06 AM


What is the minimum live load that a HI 2201LT or the HI 2204LT strain gauge transmitters need for span calibration?


The limiting factor of the 2204LT/2201LT level transmitter is the amount of calibration weight required. This requires a minimum and maximum loading between the dead load and live load.

The 2201LT is slightly different than the 2204LT. The 2201LT 's FM (factory mutual) approval was not renewed as of January 2013. If you do not have a FM requirement, use the 2204LT.

The following are minimum live loads required to calibrate the system to full scale output of 20mA, hence limiting the dead load.

Using a HI 2201LT (FM Approved) The listed percentage of test weight must be applied to see a full scale reading.  Anything less will need the current target calculated as a ratio of the full scale.  This transmitter is used for level indications and not for fine weighing applications.

1 cell 2 mV/V= >50% of capacity 3 mV/V = >35% of capacity.
2 cells 2 mV/V= >67% of capacity 3 mV/V = >45% of capacity.
3 cells 2 mV/V= <84% of capacity 3 mV/V = >55% of capacity.
4 cells 2 mV/V= Not applicable 3 mV/V = >65% of capacity.
4 cells 1 mV/V= >70% of capacity.   (Anyweigh bench scales)

Using HI 2204LT (Not FM Approved)

1-4 cells
              1 mV/V= >60% of capacity
              2 mV/V= >50% of capacity
              3 mV/V = >33% of capacity.

The minimum live load is the amount of weight required to insure a calibrated full scale 4-20mA range reading. As long as you use the minimum amount of test weight recommended the HI 2204LT and HI 2201LT strain gauge transmitters will calibrate correctly.

Using less than the recommended TEST weight will require you to calculate the milliamp output for the weight applied. Using half the recommended span weight would suggest adjusting to 12 ma.