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Learn More!If your HI 3010 Filler is trying to fill an already full bag then it did not see a change in the bag it is discharging into. If the bag is not changed, then it will be overfilled with the next discharge. So, once the discharge has occurred the unit needs to see the OK to DISCHARGE signal go away and come back again before being able to discharge again. This can be done in mapping as follows:
HO1.0=+HO1.0*~HI2.3+HI0.1*~DO0.0, DO0.0=+HI0.1 (ensure the order of equations)
In the Setup menu, ensure Discharge is on, but turn your Auto Discharge OFF and OK to Discharge OFF.
HO1.0 is the DISCHARGE COMMAND; HI2.3 is the discharge state; HI0.1 is input #2; and DO0.0 is an arbitrary bit we will use as a control bit.
This first equation says the DISCHARGE COMMAND bit will go high when we have the DISCHARGE COMMAND bit high AND do not have a discharge state in the unit OR when input #2 goes high AND the control bit is not high.
The second equation sets the control bit to the previous condition of input #2. So, when input #2 goes high and the control bit is off it will set the DISCHARGE COMMAND bit. Once the DISCHARGE COMMAND bit is set high, it is latched high until the discharge state starts, HO1.0*~HI2.3.
Also, once the input #2 goes high the next equation, DO0.0=+HI0.1, will set the control bit high, thus making the last half of the first equation, HI0.1*~DO0.0, false, thus disabling this section of the equation.
Once the discharge state is reached, the first part of the equation, HO1.0*~HI2.3, will go false, therefore removing the DISCHARGE COMMAND bit.
Once in this condition, the only way to reset the equation is to have input #2 go low, thus causing the control bit to go low, DO0.0=+HI0.1. Once the control bit goes low, a new high on input #2 will cause the DISCHARGE COMMAND bit to go high again.
This sets up the unit so a discharge cannot occur until the input #2 goes low then high again after the last discharge has occurred.
You can also limit the TARE LIMIT to that of an empty bag plus 5%. When you do not remove the full bag and it tries to fill a tare limit alarm will stop the fill.