I have communications to my HI 1756WS module, but when I try to set up my calibration type in the parameters it will not change. Why can't I change the calibration type?
When would I use or not use Auto fast adjust under the HI 3010 speed menu? I'm getting a small fast weight amount, but my slow feed auto pre act is very large. This gives me erratic batches.
Will the feeder stop during a jog ON time if I reach target weight? I have jog on set to 5 seconds and off for 2 seconds for a total count of 4 jogs. If I reach my target weight half way through a jog on, will the feeder stop?
I am using the HI 200DNWM module and I noticed there are 4 bytes from the module to the scanner card. Does this contain status information or just the weight ?