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Plant Stakeholders


Stakeholder der Anlage

Hardy bietet seit 1918 qualitativ hochwertige Wägelösungen für Prozesse und Verpackungen an und hat sich weltweit als Branchenführer im Bereich Wägen etabliert. Branchen wie die pharmazeutische Industrie, die Lebensmittelverarbeitung, die Kosmetikindustrie, die chemische Industrie, die Erdölindustrie, die Forstwirtschaft, der Bergbau und die Glasindustrie verlassen sich auf die Produkte und das Wäge-Know-how von Hardy, wenn es darum geht, zeitnahe und genaue Daten und Kontrollen für ihre Prozess- und Verpackungslinien zu liefern.

Weighing Solutions for Manufacturing Job

No matter what role you serve in your plant, you can use Hardy industrial weighing scales to lower the total cost of ownership. Whether you are a controls engineer, process engineer, plant manager, maintenance manager, or purchasing agent, Hardy helps drive Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) up, no matter where those solutions are located in the manufacturing process.

We help our customers take on their challenges at the least total cost. Our solutions deliver reductions in waste while enhancing OEE, quality, safety, and productivity. They do this by increasing yield and reducing downtime by as much as 51%, compared to other industrial weighing scales. Hardy products meet industry standards and are easy to integrate. Contact us today to find out how we can help you deliver a lower total cost of ownership on one of our industrial weighing scales while simultaneously increasing safety and improving OEE.

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