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Static Check Weighing Management

CHECK-MASTER | Statisches Kontrollwägemanagement

CHECK-MASTER ist eine Reihe von Software-Tools, die Kontrollwägefunktionen unterstützen und Teil jeder Hardy Check Weighing Lösung sind.

A manual (static) check weighing operation requires an operator, or a mechanically automated piece of equipment, to place the item on a scale and observe Under/Accept/Over lights. CHECK-MASTER is a set of software tools that support check weighing functions and are part of every Hardy Check Weighing solution. Usually, the check weighing station is an inspection station after the manufacturing or packaging (Pack) process. Important reasons to use a check weighing system are increased accuracy, increased line speed, quality control, and to meet government regulations.

In addition to verifying the weight and directing product flow, a check weighing system also provides valuable statistical information. This information can be used for SPC (Statistical Process Control) to support the requirement for quality and governmental requirements. By analyzing and feeding back the results of the check weighing operation, the source process can be adjusted to optimize product quality and lower costs.