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Operator Diagnostics

IT | Integrated Technician® Bedienerdiagnose

Die Kernfunktion INTEGRATED TECHNICIAN (IT) von Hardy unterstützt Sie bei der Fehlersuche in Ihrem Wägesystem und bei der Diagnose von Problemen über die Vorderseite des Geräts oder über die SPS.

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INTEGRATED TECHNICIAN® lowers your weighing system maintenance costs by quickly letting you troubleshoot and diagnose many weighing system problems.

In Hardy Weight Controllers, INTEGRATED TECHNICIAN® continuously monitors the weighing system excitation current for shorted or open load sensors, including the cable between the instrument and the junction box, and notifies users of any errors.

You can run maintenance tests from the front panel of the instrument through a web browser or from a PLC or SLC. These tests display system weights, voltages, and pass/fail displays to help isolate a problem to the instrument, cabling, or sensors. One scan provides internal references to test the integrity of the instrument, the cable to the junction box, and the junction box itself.


Products for IT | Integrated Technician® Bedienerdiagnose