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Weighing Applications


Wird in der Regel in allen vier Produktionsbereichen eines Werks eingesetzt: STOCK (Bestandsverwaltung); MAKE (Dosieren und Mischen); PACK (Abfüllen und Verteilen); SHIP (Produktkontrolle). Wird eingesetzt, wenn es wichtig ist, das Gewicht in einem Behälter mit einer "hohen Genauigkeit" zu bestimmen, z. B. 0,02 % bis 2 % des Volumens.

In this weighing application ACCURATE, STABLE and FAST weight measurements are required and therefore attention must also be paid to the scales resolution; update rate; and the method of filtering used.  In addition, accurate load cells at the correct capacity for the application are required to get the most out of your weighing system

Hardy has multiple products that can be installed to manage this application, they are:

  1.  Any Hardy PLC plug-in weigh scale module
  2.  Any Hardy weighing instrument
  3.  Hardy load cells or scales
  4.  A summing card or junction box for multiple load cells with Hardy C2® 

To learn more about how Hardy weighing systems help increase OEE (overall equipment efficiency) Click Here

Products for Gewichtsmessung