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Can I have an alarm when my bag weight is approaching the bag empty state on my HI 3010?

Last updated 02.04.2015 10:33 AM


Can I have an alarm when my bag weight is approaching the bag empty state?


The idea of monitoring the material remaining in the source product vessel for a low weight level (refill warning is in X amount of pound) is to monitor the gross weight against a set number (your low weight warning value) in a scratch pad and make a second scratch pad show the results.

Place the low weight warning level in Scratch pad 1 and monitor the scratch pad 2 as negative (0 inactive) and a positive (1 active) with relay 1. When the gross weight is less than the target number you entered in scratch pad 1, scratch pad 2 becomes a negative number and the relay state is changed. I have the relay set as not so it is de-energized when the weight is above the target.

HO0.0(Output Relay 1) = +~HFO2(Hardy Scratchpad Float Variable 2)
HFO2(Hardy Scratchpad Float Variable 2) = +HFI2(Gross Weight)+~HFO1(Hardy Scratchpad Float Variable 1)

HO0.0=+~HFO2, HFO2=+HFI2+~HFO1

You may need to use different scratchpad locations and different relay outputs than used in this example.