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How do I determine my total scale capacity?

Last updated 10.15.2014 11:19 AM


How do I determine the total capacity of my bench and floor scales?


To determine the capacity of your scale system use the following guidelines:

1. Find out the rating of each load cell in your scale system. You may have to read the label on the load cell to find the rating. The rating can be in kilograms or pounds. If you cannot read your label please refer to answer ID 427.

If you cannot read the labels and have the Hardy C2 load sensors.  You can read the C2 information with the controller's diagnostic section or ladder logic commands for modules.

2. Determine the total capacity of your scale system by adding all the load cell ratings together.

3. If it is a floor scale, add all together and then divide by 2 to get your rated scale system capacity.

Example #1: You have 4 load cells that are rated for 1000 pounds each on a floor scale. The total capacity would be 4000 pounds, but if it is a floor scale the system capacity is 2000 pounds. The reason you need to divide by 2 is that forklifts or heavy objects that are placed on one corner of the floor scale can damage the load cell. In this example, even though the total capacity is 4000 pounds, if you placed a 4000 pound weight on the corner of the floor scale it would damage the load cell. Therefore the rated floor scale system capacity is 50% of total capacity for floor scales.  The Advantage load cells are rated at a 200% overload without damage.

Example #2: You have a bench scale with 4 load cells that are rated for 75 pounds each. The total capacity of your bench scale is 300 pounds. The rated capacity is also 300 pounds.