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Erfahren Sie mehr!There are two status words, the Instrument Status word (HSI1) and the Command Status word(s) (HSI3, HSI4, HSI5, HSI6). The Command Status words are one for each channel.
The Instrument Status word, HSI1, is for the entire unit, but some bits, like, the A/D converter error would apply if any channel has that error. These errors are:
ERRORADCONVERT 0001 hex, (bit 0) A/D converter error on any channel
ERRORADFAILURE 0002 hex, (bit 1) A/D converter failure on any channel
ERRORRTC 0020 hex, (bit 5) Real Time Clock error
STATUSINMOTION 0040 hex, (bit 6) Motion on any channel
ERROREEPROMWRITE 0100 hex, (bit 8) Error writing to the EEPROM
ERRORIRINIT 0200 hex, (bit 9) Error in initialization of the IR port
ERRORPOWERUP 8000 hex, (bit 15) Power up error
This word is updated all the time and should be 0 all the time unless one or more of the channels goes into motion. If any other value appears, there is a problem.
Individual Status words for A/D errors or motion indications can be found in HSI8, HSI9, HSI10, and HSI11 where:
HSIx.0 = A/D converter error on channel
HSIx.1 = A/D converter failure on channel
HSIx.6 = motion on channel
The Command Status word(s), HSI3 through HSI6, are for individual channels. This will give the return value for a command sent to the unit. This word(s) should be zero unless a command has been sent. When a command has been sent, it should be left until the return can be monitored and evaluated. Once this return has been utilized, the command can then be removed. Once removed, the command status word will return to zero.
Bit 15 of this word is an indication that the current value in the word is valid. So if a command is sent, monitoring bit 15 will give an indication that the return is now ready for evaluation. User should wait for bit 15 to turn on before evaluating the return. The remaining bits in the word should be zero for a success.
The commands this status word applies to are, TARE, ZERO, C2 CALIBRATE, TRAD CALIBRATE LOW, TRAD CALIBRATE HIGH. The returns for each command are 8000 hex (SUCCESS) or:
(values in hex)
TARE = 8001, 8002, 8040
ZERO = 8001, 8002, 8040, FFFD
C2 CALIBRATE = 8001, 8002, 8040, FFFA, FFF9
TRAD CALIBRATE LOW = 8001, 8002, 8040, FFF8
TRAD CALIBRATE HIGH = 8001, 8002, 8040, FFF8
0 (8000 h) = Success
-3 (FFFD h) = OUTOFTOLERANCE Total of Current Gross + previous zeroed amount exceeds zero tolerance.
-6 (FFFA h) = C2FAILNODEVS (cannot find C2 )
-7 (FFF9 h) = C2FAILCAPEQ (capacities not equal)
-8 (FFF8 h) = HARDCALFAILCOUNTS (not enough ADC counts between zero and span)
1 (8001 h) = ERRORADCONVERT (A/D converter error)
2 (8002 h) = ERRORADFAILURE (A/D converter failure)
32 (8020 h) = ERRORRTC (Real time clock error)
64 (8040 h) = STATUSINMOTION (scale in motion)
256 (8100 h) = ERROREEPROMWRITE (error writing to EEPROM)
512 (8200 h) = ERRORIRINIT (error initialization IR interface)
The mapping choices in the HI 3030 unit are INT or Short INT. The INT is a 32 bit word and the Short INT is a 16 bit word. The Command Status word can be mapped to either of these choices. (NOTE: Realize that in most PLC's an INT is 16 bit and a Short INT or SINT is an 8 bit word, so care needs to be taken in how it is received in the PLC)
If the Command Status word is mapped as an INT, be aware that the data will only use 16 bits of the 32 bit value. The INT will use two word locations in the Hardy table of registers. It is possible to then have other data mapped into the other 16 bits of the INT value.