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How Manufacturing Engineers Use Load Cells

Although you are probably not aware of it, you come into contact with load cells on a regular basis.This technology is used on things like the industrial floor scales you would find in the loading dock of a busy shipping department. The purpose of load cells is to measure the force, weight, and torque of an object by measuring the bending movements of the load cell structure. Precision measurements can be taken once and then recorded or used as part of a monitoring system, which makes them very important in a variety of different industries.

Important Considerations When Choosing A Digital Weight Indicator

Installing a new scale, or replacing an existing weighing system, gives you the opportunity not just to upgrade to the latest in technology. This is true with all components of the weighing system, including the digital weight indicator. These devices range from the very basic --providing only the weight readout-- to a more advanced options that can connect to your industrial manufacturing system, either PC, PLC or DCS. These will not only display the weights at the scale but also transfer information to the manufacturing system.

Introduce a New Level of Efficiency into Your Weighing Processes and Applications

Process weighing plays a critcial role in a wide variery of industries. Reliability, accuracy and performance are becoming increasingly important in our difficult economic climate as businesses strive to reduce waste and increase efficiency and productivity.

Load Cell Manufacturers You Can Trust

If you work for a company that relies on industrial scales to accurately weigh large amounts of heavy materials integral to your manufacturing process, then you understand the importance of finding a load cell manufacturer that you can trust. With nearly 100 years of experience, Hardy Process Solutions manufactures high-performance load cells you can depend on at the least total cost of ownership.

Load Cells – The Vital Component in Any Weighing System

Load cells are at the heart of every weighing system. These highly accurate transducers have been specifically designed to detect force or weight fluctuations under a wide range of adverse conditions. This information is then converted into an electrical signal which is sent to a remote computer or recorder so that load, pressure and strain, among others, can be monitored.

Not All Platform Scales are Created Equal

There is in a tendency for people to distrust the accuracy of scales. Whether it's the bathroom scale, the produce scale at the grocery store or the scale at the post office, we always tend to think that things are just a little lighter than what the scale says. For personal use, it's all well and good to have questions about a scale's accuracy-but in the end, you're talking about a few calories or a few cents - no big deal. For industrial use, however, the accuracy of a scale can influence thousands of dollars in costs. That's why accurate industrial scales are such a vital part of any business.