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Plant Manager
plant stakeholders

Plant Manager

J'avais l'habitude de me demander si mes balances étaient suffisamment précises - aidaient-elles ou entravaient-elles l'efficacité opérationnelle ? Est-ce qu'elles offraient le coût total de propriété le plus bas pour le meilleur retour sur investissement, ou est-ce que nous pouvions faire mieux ?

Avec Hardy, je sais que le coût, la précision et l'efficacité sont là où ils doivent être pour atteindre nos objectifs opérationnels.

- Peter, directeur d'usine


How HARDY improves OEE with Faster Installations, Calibrations, and Diagnostics

Hardy has the expertise and innovative solutions to assist your team in reducing cost and increasing yield while limiting downtime and achieving improved Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Hardy products are easy to install, configure, commission, operate, and maintain. They are safer and save you time money, raw materials, and/or finished product. By implementing these simple built-in Hardy process weighing tools, you can increase your Operational Equipment Efficiency (OEE), safety, and reliability today.

Download the White Paper

Highest OEE


Did you know that there are industrial scales that don’t take hours and hours to calibrate and/or repair, improving OEE?

Many plants report that their scales take too long to calibrate and/or repair, holding up production. That’s happening because they don’t know that there’s a better solution.

Our customers have installed more than 110,000 Hardy weight indicators or controllers on their silo, tank, platform, and bench scales, providing them with the fastest scale setup, calibration, and diagnostic tools available.

Get the PDF for Highest OEE

Our customers set their scales up 2x faster

Our customers complete their calibrations up to 4x faster

Our customers diagnose their scales up to 5x faster

Our customers have reduced scale downtime by 38 to 50%

Fastest ROI


Did you know that there are industrial scales that deliver a much lower total cost to own and operate, increasing your ROI?

Many plants report that their scales take too long to calibrate and/or repair, holding up production. That’s happening because they don’t know that there’s a better buy.

Our customers have installed more than 110,000 Hardy weight indicators or controllers on their silo, tank, platform, and bench scales, providing them with the fastest scale setup, calibration, and diagnostic tools available. Because they need less attention and work longer hours, they cost less to operate and deliver a much quicker payback.

Get the PDF on Fastest ROI

Our scales reduce integration time by up to 66%

Our scales reduce setup time by up to 50%

Our scales reduce calibration/repair time by 38 to 51%

Our scales are available for production 27 hours more per year