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bread conveyer


MAKE | Batching & Blending

La fabrication par lots consiste à ajouter séquentiellement ou simultanément un ou plusieurs ingrédients dans un récipient en fonction de leur poids, puis à décharger le lot (somme de tous les ingrédients) dans un processus en aval. La cuve peut être une simple trémie ou un réservoir, ou peut contenir un mélangeur intégré, un agitateur ou une enveloppe de chauffage et de refroidissement. Les ingrédients sont acheminés, extrudés, vibrés, pompés, livrés à la main ou acheminés par gravité vers des portes ou des vannes situées au-dessus de la cuve. Le pesage du processus garantit la précision du mélange et rend les résultats hautement reproductibles pour assurer le contrôle de la qualité.

Batching by Weight

Precise measurement is critical for batching and blending ingredients. Just a fraction of a percentage off and your batch could be ruined, wasting precious money and resources. Introducing batch weighing into the process involves sequentially or simultaneously adding ingredients into a vessel by weight and then discharging the batch (sum of all the ingredients) to downstream processors.

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Blending by Rate

Batch blending by rate control is a "loss-of-weight" application where multiple ingredients are added to a single vessel at the same time and the rate at which they are added is measured and controlled.

View Blending by Rate

Continuous Belt and Feeder Weighing

Modern manufacturing plants often depend on continuous conveyance systems and feeders to transform raw materials into finished goods. In motion, raw materials need to be weighed to ensure the ingredient mix is correct and that the finished goods meet quality standards.

View Continuous Belt and Feeder Weighing

Loss-In-Weight by Rate Control

Rate by weight is the measurement of an amount of material that enters into or is dispensed from a vessel over a given period of time. Solids, liquids, or gases can be monitored or precisely controlled using screw- or auger-based feeders, vibratory feeders, conveyors, belt feeders, variable valves, and pumps. Loss-In-Weight Closed Loop Rate Control can support a variety of applications.

View Loss-In-Weight by Rate Control

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