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Green conveyer


SHIP | Product Inspection

Les contrôleurs de poids, les cellules de charge et les plates-formes de pesée Hardy sont utilisés pour peser des conteneurs afin de confirmer qu'ils ont été remplis au niveau approprié ou qu'ils contiennent le nombre correct de pièces. Le contrôle pondéral peut être utilisé pour une grande variété d'applications, y compris la vérification du contenu des emballages, le contrôle des tolérances des produits, l'identification des pièces, la classification des produits et la vérification de la sécurité en cas de surcharge.

Check Weighing (Static/Dynamic)

You can use an automated check weighing process for a wide variety of applications including verifying package contents, checking product tolerances, identifying parts, classifying product, and checking for overload safety. Usually, the check weighing station is an inspection station after the manufacturing or packaging (Pack) process. Important reasons to use a check weighing system are increased accuracy, increased line speed, quality control, and meeting government regulations.

View Check Weighing (Static/Dynamic)

Crane Overload Protection

Crane safety is a plant safety engineer's nightmare with over 100 deaths annually caused by crane accidents. A primary cause of crane failure is metal fatigue or mechanical failure from overloading.

View Crane Overload Protection

Pallet Weighing

Weighing shipping pallets is often the last step in the shipping process where finished goods are assembled and shipping charges are calculated.

View Pallet Weighing

Other Applications

In addition to Check Weighing, Pallet Weighing, and Crane Overload Protection, Hardy's systems can be implemented in a variety of other applications.

View Other Applications

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