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Industrial Manufacturing

Fabrication industrielle

L'industrie manufacturière est plus clairement définie par la fabrication de biens durables et non durables. Les autres industries manufacturières couvertes comprennent l'automobile, l'électronique et les semi-conducteurs, le verre, les métaux, le caoutchouc, les textiles, le papier et les plastiques, ainsi que les produits en bois fabriqués et non fabriqués. De nombreux produits de cette industrie sont vendus principalement aux entreprises plutôt que directement aux consommateurs.

Your Industry Trends & Manufacturing Challenges

We understand many of the business challenges you face. We often find Industrial Manufacturing companies wrestling with increased competition and new product introductions, while simultaneously trying to keep existing customers happy. In addition, a wide range of commercial, regulatory, and competitive pressures are rapidly changing the Industrial Manufacturing industry.

As a result, companies are striving to speed up time-to-market, improve manufacturing performance, and optimize their supply chains. Hardy’s solutions help you respond to these trends and challenges, for example by supporting the need to:

  • Deliver higher performance, quality, and supply chain efficiency
  • Comply with globalized regulations and guidelines
  • Deploy more rigorous manufacturing systems to ensure product quality is maintained on every site, located anywhere in the world