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Are the Advantage load cells compensated for static or thermal effects?

Last updated 08-19-2014 09:24 a.m.


Are Hardy's Advantage load cells compensated for static effects or thermal effects? How is this compensation accomplished? Is each sensor tested under different thermal conditions or are representative units from a lot used to predict what compensation is appropriate for that lot?


Static is not compensated for and must be re-routed.

The best way to avoid static discharges is by proper shielding and grounding.  Shielding is only grounded to a single earth ground point, preferably at the weight controller (verify with an ohmmeter). Load cells are isolated from static by insuring there is a path for any static buildup to bypass the load cells to a good earth ground. Pipes and machinery attached to the vessel should be properly grounded. The input power neutral to ground measurements, with all associated equipment installed, should be less than 1 VAC. See associated Web Tech answers listed when searching on "Shielding" or "Static".

Hardy's Advantage load cells are thermally compensated.
Thermal compensation is via internal resistors that react to heat and cold opposite that of the strain gauge material. Normally in manufacturing this feature is not tested with every load cell and can vary. Some number of cells are tested for temperature, but not one that would be sent to an end user. These chosen test cells are usually tested until damage results.  This type of testing verifies the overall quality of the design.  Quality control in component selection, design, and overall component quality is under constant scrutiny to insure a consistent product.