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Can I access IT information using Profibus, RIO or serial communications on my HI 2151/30WC?

Last updated 09-28-2015 03:54 a.m.


Can I access Integrated Technician information from my HI 2151/30WC using Profibus, Remote I/O or serial communications?


The Integrated Technician (IT) data available over the Profibus, RIO, or Serial connection from the HI 2151/30WC is limited to the Excitation Monitor.

The status is available over Profibus by doing a block read #37. This will give you the status of the Excitation monitor being ON/OFF and if the monitor is in error or not.

The status available over Remote I/O is as follows:

Block Read Number 12: Integrated Technician Status

Word 0
Bits 0-7 Command Number: A value of 12 (decimal)
Bits 8-15 Reserved for future use

Word 1
Bits 0-7 Excitation Monitor On/Off
Bits 8-15 Excitation Monitor Error/OK

Total Number of Words 2

The “IT” serial command is X E. The possible results are:

OKK - No Errors Detected
ERR - Error Detected
OFF - IT Not Turned On

You can access the full IT data using the front panel display.