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En savoir plus !This is a quick note to review the different parameters found in the parameter dump for the HI 4060. The HI 4060 manual has an expanded section discussing each parameter. The below are random settings and your system settings will probably be different. The values in this example may be different from your application requirements.
You can download the HI 4060 manual at:
HI 4060 products page select Docs and Programs tab and download the manual.
Firmware Revision:
§ Current version of software in controller. Check online for latest and download if desired. Check with Hardy tech support with any questions.
§ Instruction and program to download the latest software is provided at that web location.
Unit = 0 [lb]
§ Selectable in lb[0], ounces[1], tons[2], Kilograms[3], grams[4], Metric tons[5]
§ Accepting a new unit value changes all the parameters and calibration to the new engineering units.
§ Acceptations are the analog out range settings under options.
Weight Decimal Pt = 3 [3]
§ This is used for the gross weight in the hopper and is used to calculate the rate of change.
§ Select a decimal point level that provides a weighing ratio between of 1: 10,000 to 20,000. Too few decimal points will not provide enough definition to calculate a good rate of change.
§ Example; 400lb scale/10,000 = 0.04 or two decimal points. Change the graduation size to 5 and that places the ratio to 1:20,000. More