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Do you have an explanation of error codes for the HI 2151/30 and HI 2110 units?

Last updated 10-02-2014 10:11 a.m.


Do you have an explanation of error codes for the HI 2151/30 and HI 2110 units?


There are many error codes for the HI 2151/30 WC and HI 2110 WI units.  The list skips some error code numbers, as Hardy tries to be consistent with the error numbers from unit to unit.  Some error codes in earlier versions of the Hardy units are no longer valid, so the error numbers have been removed.
NOTE:  Note all error codes will apply to the HI 2110 WI indicator.

The error codes available in the HI 2151/30 WC unit is:

--LO-- : Input from the load cell system is below min requirements.  Normally caused by a wiring error or damaged load cell.

--HI-- : input from the load cell system is above max requirements.  Normally caused by a wiring error, damaged load cell, scale overloaded, or weight is above scale capacity setting (SC CAP).

ERREXC : Excitation circuit resistance has changed by more than 11% from resistance found at the last calibration.  Normally caused by change in the load cells system by changing a load cell, removing a load cell, damage to a load cell, either short or open, noise on the line, incorrect reading at time of calibration, bad reading of C2 data (if C2 load cells used).

Error : Invalid character entry when setting parameters.

Err 1 : invalid GRAD size.  Grad size must be set from the selection list with a value of: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 or 500.  Using the up or down arrows only.  You cannot enter the number from the numeric keypad.

Err 2 : NTEP grad size error.  When the unit is being used in NTEP mode, grad size must be greater than the full scale divided by the range.

Err 3 : Average out of range.  Number of averages must be from 1 to 200.

Err 4 : Instrument is in motion when trying to enter a value.  Weight value is unstable or motion tolerance set too low.  This error normally happens when trying to do calibration, tare, or zero the unit.  Motion tolerance minimum value = 0.0003 x the total load cell capacity of the scale system.

Err 5 : Unit is not in Gross mode when trying to enter CAL menu. 

Err 6 : Invalid Zero.  Caused when the zero command is given when the current gross weight, plus any previously zero 'd weight exceeds the zero tolerance setting. 

Err 7  : Invalid grad size.  Grad size must be greater than the full scale divided by the range, minus one valid grad size.

Err 8 : Unable to enter calibration menu without toggling Re Cal switch on back of unit or using the proper security code. 

Err 9 : Invalid zero when in NTEP mode.  This is similar to Err 6, but in NTEP mode.  Zero command failed because the current gross weight, plus any weight previously zero 'd, would exceed the zero tolerance setting.

Err 10 : Invalid motion tolerance.  Motion tolerance must be above 0 and greater or equal to the grad size.

Err 11 : Negative gross weight during acquire tare (NTEP only).  The tare command is given when the gross weight is negative. 

Err 12 : All significant digits after decimal point must be active (NTEP only).  This means you cannot have decimal places defined and then a grad size that makes then inactive.  Example:  decimal point setting of 3 and grad size of 10, caused last decimal place to always be 0 (inactive).

Err 13 : Full scale calibration of zero or negative value not allowed.  Calibration must be performed so the full scale value is a positive value above zero.

Err 14 : Scale capacity of zero or negative value not allowed.  Scale capacity must be set to a positive value.

Err 15 : Zero tolerance negative or zero, or LIN COR (linear correction) setting is not greater than zero and less than span.  Zero tolerance setting must be positive and LIN COR setting must be between zero and span settings.

Err 16 : Ta