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How can I test the analog out port without applying weight?

Last updated 10-20-2014 08:12 a.m.


How can I test or calibrate the Analog Out port without applying weight on my HI 2110WI, HI 2151/20WC, HI 2151/30WC or HI 2160RC?


To determine the correct weight range scaling in the PLC on a Hardy unit with an Analog output option, perform the following:

1. Use an empty vessel, Gross or Net weight = 0

2. Set the following Analog-out settings

3. Analog LO = -10,000, Analog HI = 0 (Set the mode for Gross or net, as determined in step one)

4. This setting represents a full scale output. (100% or 20 ma)

5. Check the read out on the PLC. This number represents the full scale reading on the PLC.

6. Change the analog-out settings.

7. Analog-out LO=0, Analog-out HI= xx (xx = the full scale reading from the PLC) This setting represents a zero reading or the 4 ma reading for the current.

NOTE: You may get an error 55 when changing the Analog-out settings.  To avoid this, press the ZERO button to advance to the next setting. Change the second setting and then confirm the first setting is entered correctly.  The error 55 happens when you try to set one of the settings to the same value that the other setting is already set for.  Change the second setting first.

8. If there is a difference in the readings please reference the appropriate Hardy Instruments Installation and Operation Manual to adjust the output settings. If this adjustment has been misadjusted, adjust the voltage settings and then the current settings.