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How do averages affect the overall weight readings and process control on the HI 3010?

Last updated 06-09-2014 10:26 a.m.


How do averages affect the overall weight readings and process control on the HI 3010?


The HI 3010 units have an update rate of 55 times per second. This updates the weight reading every 18.18msec. This can be rounded to 20 ms for our explanations. Our older products update at 20 times per second or every 50msec.  At every weight update a new weight reading is added to the calculation and the oldest weight update removed.

Averages take a number of readings and average them for the results. This minimizes the bumps and disturbances for a set time period, re-establishing an averaged reading. Averages are meant to reduce the scale disturbances from impact and uneven sized product entering and exiting the scale.

Waversaver® is meant to reduce the scale disturbances caused by in-plant vibration.

If you are seeing problems from material impacting onto the scale, then typically 10-20 averages can help eliminate these effects. This would add only a small amount of processing time to achieve the results. (10 averages x 18.18ms = 181.8msec, or <1/5th of a second)

Increasing the number of averages too high will add to the processing time and not benefit the results. With the maximum averages of 255 the net impact on weight updates will be 4.635 seconds. Wait times could be increased to cover this extreme caution. For best results, use as few averages as possible to remove the bumps and verify the scale is mechanically stable. Use the Waversaver® feature to minimize the effects of vibration.

An Example of 5 updates with 5 averages: 5, 4.9, 4.9, 5.1, 5.1=5
One update later: 4.9, 4.9, 5.1, 5.1, 5.2 = 5.04