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How do I clear the RAM on my HI 2160RC?

Last updated 01-22-2014 09:30 a.m.


How do I clear the RAM on my HI 2160RC or HI 2160RC+ and restore it back to factory default settings?


Power surges, power spikes, load cell line noise and/or static discharges can corrupt the memory of the HI 2160RC, causing drifting weight readings, loss of SET POINT and calibration data, or erratic performance. In some cases re-booting the instrument, or recalling stored data will resolve the problem, but in other cases the Random Access Memory (RAM) must be cleared and default parameters loaded back into memory. When this is performed, the instrument may need to be re-calibrated and all SET POINT and option data restored as new. Following the procedures outlined below will help in recovery and preparing for future problems.

If you have added or changed the location of any hardware internal to the HI 2160RC controller, including the expansion chassis, you must clear memory using the memory jumper W6/W7.  Then treat the instrument as a new install and do not restore any stored data from the SMM.  That old data was an incorrect data map.

Hopefully you have already determined it is not a mechanical or external problem.
Review associated system troubleshooting Web Tech notes if unsure. (enter key words: static, and lockup) A high percentage of all the units we receive for repair are corrected by clearing RAM and replacing the SMM due to corruption.

Restoring the instrument from erratic behavior can be completed easily and quickly by using one of the below listed procedures. The procedures are listed in order of what has the least impact on production. If step one does not restore the instrument proceed to the next step. If these steps do not fully restore the process, contact Hardy Process Solutions Technical Support.

1. Recall the saved ingredient from the SMM.  Must be valid memory.
2. Clear memory from Security menu and restore the ingredient from the SMM.
3. Clear memory using the internal jumper and restore the ingredient from the SMM.

Before you swap units, re-calibrate and re-install the configuration data. Clear or restore RAM memory to ensure there isn't any active memory corruption. Restore the configuration from the Secure Memory Module (SMM) and you should be able to resume operation. Each weight controller should have the configuration/calibration data previously defined saved. After you finish the entry process and are satisfied the controller is functioning properly, enter configuration, and save the new data to an ingredient selection. Under Configuration the HI2160RCplus has a SAVE/RECALL menu selection, the HI 2160RC (older model) has a SAVE/RECALL selection under configuration and tuning and control menu. HI 2160RC plus base configurations may be saved in two different ingredient locations to insure viability, if space permits.

The SMM can store corrupted data, DO NOT save any data if the instrument is running erratically or there are doubts to the validity of the stored memory. Clear the memory using the interior jumper method and treat the unit as if it is new. Calibrate, configure and then verify that the unit is in good operation, and then store the information into the SMM.

The data stored in the SMM is NOT erased during RAM clear. In the future, if you have corrupted memory, clearing SMM memory and restoring stored data will speed up the recovery process. The items not saved are noted on page 3-3 of the non-plus 2160RC manual with an asterisk. The A-B address information is not saved and should be re-entered only after the calibration process is complete.

If you suspect the data in the SMM is corrupted or have added/subtracted options. Clear all 12 SMM ingredient locations by overwriting them. Treat the controller as you would a new instrument, which means you will need to perform a calibration by manually entering all parameters, and then overwrite (SAVE) to all 12 SMM ingredient locations. This is to ensure that in the future you