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How do I map my Hardy controller with Wonderware using Modbus over Ethernet?

Last updated 01-26-2016 04:05 a.m.


How do I map my Hardy HI 3000 or HI 4000 series controller with Wonderware using Modbus over Ethernet?


NOTE: These instructions are from one of our customers who is using Wonderware. Hardy Process Solutions cannot test every type of program available, but we trust our customer has provided accurate information. We cannot independently verify accuracy, so you should use this information at your own risk.

Instructions for mapping Hardy HI 3010, HI 3030, HI 3300, HI 3600, HI 4050 or HI 4060 to Wonderware (version 9.5 tested) using Modbus over Ethernet:

These instructions are for floating point values only. Other values shouldn’t be difficult to figure out once floating point values have been established by the user.

1. Your above listed Hardy controller is configured for Modbus communications.
2. Wonderware machine configured for Modbus communications as well. 

Hardy Controller Instructions:
1. Map addresses for points that will come into Wonderware starting with MFO1 or MFO2 (if MFO0 is used Wonderware will not register any of the addresses).
2. Modbus float values use 2 registers therefore add 2 to the next MFO address.

Wonderware instructions:
1. Install ModbusTCP driver for Wonderware.
2. Configure driver with IP address of your Hardy controller.
3. Start addressing float values with 400001 F or 400002 F, the important thing is that there are 6 digits in the address.
4. The next address would be 400003 F or 400004 F just add 2 to the previous address.

There are a few steps left out, but they should be basic addressing steps if you are familiar with Wonderware and your Hardy controller.