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What is an RTA (Remote Terminal Assembly)?

Last updated 03-17-2015 05:44 a.m.


What is an RTA (Remote Terminal Assembly)?


A Remote Terminal Assembly is an option board that allows the connection to the PLC module to be a pre wired cable to a terminal board mounted seperate from the PLC.  The load cell cable from the summing junction box would then be wired up to the remote terminal board. 
This allows the maintainance person to have access to the normal wiring for the load cells, without needing to have access to the PLC module itself or deal with wiring at the module. 

The HI 1771 WS module is required to have the Remote Terminal Assembly board.
The HI 1756-WS, HI 1756-2WS, HI 1769-WS and HI 1769-2WS can use this option, however it is not necessary.