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What is the correlation between the Modbus output locations within the HI 3000 or HI 4000?

Last updated 08-27-2014 11:11 a.m.


What is the correlation between the Modbus output locations and the actual Modbus registers in the HI 3000 or the HI 4000 units? 


The HI 3000 or HI 4000, which include the HI 3010, HI 3030, HI 4050, HI 4060, and the HI 6300 series communications using Modbus RTU or Modbus over Ethernet are as server units.  The HI 6300 series only provides Modbus RTU communications and the HI4050 will perform both communication types.  The rest are only  Modbus over EtherNet TCP/IP.  A client requests a data packet from the HI 3000 or HI 4000 register using the IP address. This data is in packet form with the length and data type defined by the setup.

Under mapping the HI 3000 or HI 4000 assigns information to the word block.  For example: MFO0(MODBUS Float Output) = +HFI4(Channel 1 gross wt). Word zero and one of the packet would have the output data for channel one gross weight (HI 3030).
There would be several words of data being read into the packet continuously with data defined by mapping, and then waits for the Client. The Client requests the packet, distributes to its memory registers, and then repeats if programmed. This can be input words for control and setup and output words for alarm and data acquisition.