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What is zero tracking?

Last updated 01-12-2015 10:49 a.m.


What is zero tracking?


On the Hardy units, zero tracking is a setting to allow the unit to "zero" the scale when it meets certain requirements. The requirements are if the scale is not in motion for one second and the current gross weight plus any previously zero 'd gross weight does not exceed the zero tolerance parameter.  Zero tracking is disabled when there is motion and/or out of tolerance range. The zero response time is equal the update time for your Hardy controller.

There are two ways to have the scale zero.

1. The first is to manually zero the scale using the zero button on the face of some controllers, or using a zero command over a communications port for those instruments that do not have a front keypad. This will return an error if there is not any additional ZERO tolerance parameter available.

2. The second method is to allow the unit to automatically zero the scale any time it is within the auto zero tolerance and the scale is not in motion. This method requires the user to turn on the zero tracking. This will not return an error if you are out of parameter tolerance.  In these applications you should read the gross weight to verify the command was successful.  Insure you use the correct graduation size selection and number of decimal points to limit the number of zero commands written.

The Weight Canada HI 4050 uses the auto zero differently than the other controllers.  The HI 4050 in Weights and measure Canada mode will auto zero using the current zero point.  Not the original gross zero from the last calibration.  The Auto zero reference will shift with each Zero command.  the auto zero tolerance is then 0.6 grads.

NOTE: Care should be taken in setting up the unit if auto zero tracking is to be used. The HI 2151/30 and HI 2110 units will save data to the SMM every time the zero, tare or auto zero functions are run. This raises the potential to reach or exceed the maximum one million writes capability of the SMM. If this happens, there is a potential chance of having corrupted data written into the unit at power up.  New type of SMM were created and are distributed with the new HI 2151/30WC, and HI 2110WI series.  This new SMM stores and only writes at power loss.  The ability to wear out the SMM has been eliminated.