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Where can I find an example of explicit messaging for the HI 3030?

Last updated 04-07-2014 08:19 a.m.


Where can I find an example of explicit messaging to the HI 3030, and all the instance codes for the parameters?


We do not have a sample code for HI 3000 series units, which include the HI 3030 and HI 3010, Ethernet I/P messaging communications. Typically, the Ethernet I/P data is like discrete data. There is an input and output table where the data is updated without needing to use a MSG instruction. The size and location of these tables is determined by the size defined in the unit and the I/O setup in the PLC.

If you need to use the MSG command, then you are probably using explicit messages. If this is the case, then each explicit message will give you the input/output table you are using for the command being used. The length of the table would be determined by the setup in your HI 3000 unit. The target address would be the I/P address of the unit. You would still need to map the data you want to read into the EIP table in the unit and any data written to the unit would need to be mapped to the location where the data will be used.

For explicit msg command the parameters settings you need are:

INSTANCE 64 hex (input)
96 hex (output)

Doing the command to GET_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE will read you all the bytes as set up in the unit. This command will not distinguish between the types of data selected to write (map) into these locations. It will give you all bytes, regardless of whether you mapped them as ESO or EFO. The user would need to keep track of what data and what type of data was mapped to which location.

The SET_ATTRIBUTE_SINGLE will write the number of bytes as set up in the unit. Again, the user would need to keep track of what data and what data type would be needed in each of the write locations.

We do not have the ability to read a single parameter by an individual parameter instance.