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Where can I get a manual for the Proweigh HI 2101WC?

Last updated 07-29-2015 10:32 a.m.


Where can I get a manual for the Proweigh HI 2101WC?


The HI 2101WC Proweigh series weight controller and has been obsolete since 1989. The Proweigh series of weight controllers were replaced with the HI 2151/20WC series weight controllers, which in 1999 was replaced by the current HI 2151/30WC. Product information for the HI 2151/30WC is available for download on our website at www.hardysolutions.com or you can contact your Local Hardy Representative.

The HI 2101WC manual is attached to this WebTech answer, and is split into two files for easier downloading.

Consider the inovations that have been achieved since last century when you look at replacing older equipment.