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Why didn't the installation of the upgraded .DLL file for the HI 1771WS work?

Last updated 07-21-2014 07:49 a.m.


The installation of the upgraded .DLL file for the 1771WS did not work. What is the proper procedure ?


Failure of the HI 1771WS configuration software to properly install the upgraded .DLL file is normally caused by a mismatch in the version of software involved. To overcome this mismatch the old file needs to be removed first. The procedure for this would be:

1. Using Windows Explorer, find the "WS.DLL" file located in the Rockwell/Common directory.
2. Delete the WS.DLL file.
3. Run the setup/installation of the new .DLL file.

This will then install the upgraded .DLL file. When you are in the configuration software, the title bar on the top will read Hardy Instruments 1771-WS when the WS software is correct.