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Will the HI 1756 WS module work with a yellow triangle in the configuration?

Last updated 04-29-2016 11:26 a.m.


After adding the generic HI 1756 WS module and configuring it, a yellow triangle shows beside it in the IO list indicating there is a module mismatch. Will it still run?


If you have the yellow triangle next to the module it would indicate that there is either an error in the configuration of the module, or the module is not operating properly and the processor cannot communicate with it. Your HI 1756WS module will not operate properly in this condition.

You should double check the configuration.  The most common error is the Comm Format setting.  This should be a "Data REAL" value.  Then the attributes are:
input = 101; size 11
output = 146; size 1
Configuration = 241; size 0, 64, or 128 depending on your firmware version. 

Then on the connection tab, insure the RPI is set to at least 20 milliseconds.

If this is all correct and has been downloaded to the processor, and you still have the yellow triangle, then you may have a bad module, or it may be in the incorrect slot location.