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How do I configure my HI 3000 series unit for DeviceNet?

I am trying to configure my HI 3000 unit as a master controller for DeviceNet. Can I enter parameters and display the readings from an A-B Panelview if I don't have a PLC?

When do I use zero or tare?

When do I use ZERO or TARE on my Hardy unit?

Can I use the HI 4060 rate controller On/Off relay to activate a separate vibrator motor?

I will be operating a variable speed screw feeder using the 4-20 ma output from the Hardy Rate controller and I need to activate a separate hopper vibrator motor whenever the screw feeder motor operates. Does the ON/OFF output relay contact on the back of the Hardy Rate controller correspond to the 4-20 ma output in any way, or is this relay just to indicate when the Hardy Rate is actually turned on and off? I do not want the vibrator running unless the screw is actually feeding, so I need a contact that closes only when the Hardy Rate controller is calling for product to be discharged.

How can I read gross weight in the HI 1756WS?

How can I read gross weight in the HI 1756WS?

How can I transfer product from a storage tank to multiple day tanks?

What technique can be used to transfer product from a storage tank to multiple day tanks based upon need?

Can I upgrade my HI 3010 with an -SD option?

Can I upgrade my HI 3010 with a -SD option? If yes what do I need to order and what is the procedure to install the -SD card?

Is the HI 1746WS Configuration Software Windows compatible?

Can you use the HI 1746WS Configuration Software (HI WS100) with Windows 2000?

How do I calculate the system total full scale output sensitivity?

How do I calculate my weighing system total full scale output sensitivity?

What is the difference between high and low calibration?

What is the difference between high and low calibration?

What is the Network current draw on the HI 200DNWM?

The HI 200DNWM manual specifies the current draw on the Node power for the HI 200DNWM, but it does not specify the current draw on the Network power line. What is the Network current draw on the HI 200DNWM?