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Sample programs for your Hardy Instrument

Do you have any sample programs I can reference to help get me started?

Can I add the ControlNet option to my HI 3000 series unit?

Can the ControlNet option be added to a HI 3010 or an HI 3030 in the field?

How do I zero the weight on my HI 1746WS?

I want to zero the weight on my HI 1746WS module. I understand that I need to set O:x.14/0 (where x is the slot). How do I determine when to reset the bit?

How do I configure the address switches on the ControlNet option card for the HI 3000 series units?

How do I configure the address switches on the ControlNet option card for the HI 3000 series units?

Why is the Run/Fault LED flashing red and the Comm LED flashing green on my HI 1746WS?

Why is the Run/Fault LED flashing red and the Comm LED flashing green on my HI 1746WS?

How can I read float values over ControlNet?

How can I read float values over ControlNet on my HI 4050 or HI 3000 series unit?

Why is my display stuck on TAGCLR?

Why is my HI 2110WI or HI 2151/30WC display stuck on TAGCLR?

What is the current draw for the HI 3000 series DeviceNet communications port?

What is the current draw for the HI 3000 series DeviceNet communications port?

Why does my HI 1746WS read 50 lbs after doing a C2® calibration?

The C2® calibration on my HI 1746WS yields a weight of 50 lbs when I push the "Button". The scale is empty, so it should read 0 lbs. What should I change on my HI 1746WS to get an accurate calibration?

What can cause an unstable weight reading in my HI 1746WS?

We are getting a oscillating value on our SLC from the HI 1746WS. We believe that it is the Junction box circuit board or the load cells. However, we also lost power to the SLC. Could the weight multiplier need resetting? If so, how do we reset it? Would any other parameter cause this?