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Why does my HI 1756WS module intermittently stop?

My HI 1756WS module hangs during parameter write or read command. The enable bit gets set after sending the command, but the done bit never goes active. The result is that the program hangs at this step. This only happens in 1 of 10 attempts, which means it functions most the time but it's not reliable. Why does my HI 1756WS module intermittently stop?

What does HI2.0 and HFO9 mean in the HI 3030 controllers?

What does HI2.0 and HFO9 mean in the 3030 controllers?

How do I map the Analog Output on a HI 3300 Tension Controller?

How do I map the Analog Output on a HI 3300 Tension Controller?

How can I determine minimum feed rates for my Hardy Rate controller?

What formulas are used to determine the recommended minimum feed rates for my Hardy Rate controller?

What is the typical IN MOTION setting?

What is the typical "in motion" setting? I have read that .03% of total capacity is a typical setting but I cannot find in my manual what the actual units are. If the motion tolerance parameter is set for 10 lbs, over what period of time is a change evaluated to determine if the scale is in motion? I assume that the value entered is in lbs (if the scale measure is set to lbs) and that there is a time value that makes some rate of lbs/sec that then determines if "motion" condition exists.

What is the maximum Ethernet cable length?

What is the maximum Ethernet cable length for my Hardy controllers?

Should I use a switching or linear power supply?

Should a switching power supply or a linear power supply be used for my HI 3000, HI 4000, or HI 6000 series controllers?

Why am I getting an ERROR 18?

During the calibration process, ERROR 18 is displayed. The load cells are not the problem and all the configurations are OK. What else could be the problem?

Can a PDA control an HI 3000 series controller?

Can a PDA control an HI 3000 series controller?

Connecting to a PC using RS-232 and a HI 2151/30WC

Can I connect my HI 2151/30WC to a PC using RS-232? Does Hardy provide the software to support the RS-232 connection?