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Why won't my Hardy Instrument read C2®?

When I replaced my Hardy Instrument with a new unit it would not recognize the C2® load cells. What could be the cause of this?

How can I tell if my HI 2151/20WC needs a new SMM?

My HI 2151/20WC unit no longer retains the calibration data after a power cycle. Do I need to replace the Secure Memory Module (SMM)?

What are the advantages of using LVDT's?

What are the advantages of using LVDT's over Strain Gage Load Cells in Tension Control applications using the HI 3300?

Is the bar graph display available on the HI 2110WI?

Is the bar graph display available on the HI 2110WI?

Can my Hardy Instrument operate as a counting machine?

Can my Hardy Instrument be converted into a counting machine?

How do you calibrate a scale using HI 200DNWM Series B?

I have a HI 200DNWM on DeviceNet talking to the ControlLogix and am having problems calibrating my scale. Can you provide a step by step guide to do this including what parameters I need to change from default?

How can I communicate the list of alarms to DeviceNet on my HI 3030 blind unit?

How can I communicate the list of alarms (on page 97 of the installation and service manual) for the HI 3030 to my DeviceNet? I have a blind unit without a display screen.

Does HI 3000 series Ethernet I/P communication require an additional option board?

Is Ethernet I/P communication done by the Ethernet TCP/IP port on my HI 3000 series instrument by default, or do I need a board interface located in one of the option slots for the controller?

What does the Scale Capacity (SC CAP) parameter mean on the HI 2151/30WC?

What does the Scale Capacity (SC CAP) parameter mean on the HI 2151/30WC? Does the number entered represent the amount of material to be weighed, or the gross of all the weight on the load cells, ie, hopper assembly, material, etc? If I exceed the scale capacity will I get a --HI-- indication on my display?

How do I order an option for my HI 2151/30WC?

We purchased a HI 2151/30WC without any options. Can I order a option board and install it myself, or do I have to send the unit in? If I send it in, what steps do I need to take to make this happen?