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Sharpening Your Weight Control With New Enhanced Easy 8 Weight Scale FOR MICRO800 PLCs

Industrial Weighing: The Hardy Process Solutions Easy 8 weigh scale provides a powerful and easy to use solution for weight measurement for all kinds of applications.

Industrial Weighing: The Hardy Process Solutions Easy 8 weigh scale provides a powerful and easy to use solution for weight measurement for all kinds of applications. To find out more about how this can improve your business, contact us today or visit https://hardysolutions.com

Product Specification

The EASY 8 Weigh scale for Micro800 PLCs features 16-bits of resolution, fifty-five samples per second, and selectable filtering that fully integrates into the PLC. Engineers and Technicians can get the accurate and stable weight they need. Just Snap in the Easy 8 Plug-In-Module into the backplane of a Rockwell Micro800 PLC to get filtered, processed weight into your PLC. For more details of the product, visit our website or call us.

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